VirginiaNavigator selects as RVATECH finalist for Innovation in Community for the second year in a row!

# VirginiaNavigator

Reading Time: 2 minutes

We are very proud of our client VirginiaNavigator as they have been selected as a finalists in the Innovation in Community category for the second year in a row alongside Jenilee Stanley-Shanks, College of Engineering, VCU, Roundtrip and GRTC.

About the Virtual Event

This is Richmond’s twenty-fifth anniversary “Academy Awards” of technology and although 2020 certainly isn't the year any of us expected, that's not going to stop us from celebrating! We're continuing to showcase + recognize individual accomplishments, corporate wins, non-profit success stories, innovation excellence, and growing small businesses! However, we'll just be swapping out a night at Maymont Gardens for a night at home.

RVATECH is teaming up with Richmond's own Altamira Film Co. to bring the 25th Anniversary Awards Gala to life by through an incredible 90-minute production and celebrating tech with tech - like never before. So, pick up your Gala Night Basket Bundle and head straight for your favorite streaming channel as we kick off what will truly be a night to remember!

About VirginiaNavigator

Located in the RVA area, VirginiaNavigator is a statewide non-profit organization whose mission is to provide community support information and guidance to older adults, people with disabilities, veterans, and their caregivers and families – supporting independence, dignity and quality of life.  Designed as an innovative service model, VirginiaNavigator’s family of websites (;; combines the best practices of information technology with community-building to bring a "High-Tech/High-Touch" approach to connecting Virginians to critical community programs and services that are most helpful to them based on their unique situation. 

About RVATECH (Richmond Technology Council)

Based in Richmond, Virginia, RVATECH serves to promote the region as a technology center and provides a vehicle for addressing the needs of Central Virginia’s dynamic technology community.

Originally formed in 1989 as the Central Virginia High Technology Network, we became one of nine technology councils following the formation of the Center for Innovative Technology. Since then, we have supported our members representing technology producers, users and service providers, supporting industries, organizations and institutions.